Taylors First Baptist Church



Taylors First Baptist Church has been located at 200 Main St. since 1885 and, like many churches of any age, meets its ministry space needs with a collection of buildings constructed at a variety of times over the life of the Church. One effect is that visitors approaching the Church were presented with no fewer than a half-dozen entrances, confounding efforts to engage and welcome them to them to the campus. Spaces inside the building weren’t ideal for face-to-face interaction critical to building community. Growth in attendance and multiple worship services offered additional challenges to movement inside the building. As part of her 150th Anniversary celebration, the Church wanted to address some of these challenges.


  • Encourage use of the Church’s primary public entrance by first-time visitors
  • Create an updated, welcoming environment consistent with the current culture of the Church
  • Support a sense of community within the growing Taylors First community
  • Improve internal traffic flow


The plan for renovations relocated parking away from immediately in front of the Welcome Center, added covers at entrances, added and widened doors inside and out, and removed walls between a much-loved but under-utilized Library and the crowded corridors around it.


  • The location of the preferred entrance, reinforced by the location of walks and landscaping, is clear to first-time visitors.
  • The library incorporates informal seating, coffee service, and reading areas
  • A redesigned “Welcome Center” makes it easier to greet and share information with members and guests
  • Widened doors and openings along the Church’s main arteries improve participants’ experience inside the building.
Taylors FBC entrance choices

Visitors faced half a dozen apparent entrances, including the Welcome Center at the left of the Sanctuary (yellow arrow).

Taylors FBC old entrance

The preferred entrance, although identified by signs, was obscured by parking, landscaping, and a covered walkway.

Taylors FBC Entrance Plan

A simplified floor plan was part of the tools used by leaders to communicate with members as design progressed.

Taylors FBC Welcome Center

Updated materials and replacement of a formal desk with back counter and standing height tables reduce barriers to engagement with members and newcomers.

Taylors FBC Opening

Important “connecting spaces” were added by reassigning, relighting and refinishing existing space, rather than by adding new square footage.
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